Today I turned 29 and it seemed like a fine moment to post a little update again. Life has been a bit slow lately and I must say I like it that way. I spend my days with inner traveling, mindfulness, personal projects, a love for experimental cooking and books. My love, the cats, friends and family by my side.
Last Sunday we had a small celebration in our home with family. We ate cake from Bakkerij Verbeek and Joris and I made pancakes inspired by this recipe from the Green Kitchen Stories. We covered them with goat cheese, apple, walnuts, raw fennel, raw spinach and honey. It took us quite a while but in the end it was delicious and worth it.
I'm exited for this last year in my twenties, though thirty seems like a far away and somewhat scary age (even though it's just a number) I'm always surprised with how much one can grow in a year. That's what I look forward to, growing, in every way possible. Not to get older, but newer. To discover new paths, and perhaps to even find a calling if the timing is right.

~ Wendy
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